Channing Tatum acts, dances and also indulges in art. He took to social media to show off his sketches. The 39-year-old actor took to Instagram on Saturday to show his followers some detailed sketches he had drawn during a flight, reports The first sketch the Kingsman: The Golden Circle actor showed was of a male figure positioned sideways. “Saw this pic today and decided to try and draw it while sitting on a plane,” Tatum wrote in the caption. “Plus I’m about to get my train on this month.” In a second sketch, Tatum showed a face etched in green facing sideways. He wrote: “This is one of my own. I’m gonna train and make s*** this next few months. Let’s go.” The Logan Lucky actor, who is dating singer Jessie J, has been especially creative of late, both in artistic endeavours and home improvement.(IANS)