Agartala: The Tripura High Court on Monday punished the Officer in Charge of East Agartala Police Station Manik Debnath for not registering FIR and intentional delay in the investigation of land fraud case in the city while Superintendent of Police (West Tripura) Ajit Pratap Singh had to tender an unconditional apology for negligence in his duty as the supervisor.
The court ‘stay put’ the accused OC in the court for the whole day as punishment after he tendered an apology.
Justice Arindam Lodh warned the state police and asked the advocate general to circulate the order among all the police stations to address non-registration of FIR by the police, one of the most worrying issues that put the aggrieved complainants in a hapless condition.
The SP assured the court that he will take all possible measures to motivate the police officials under his control to ensure the court’s directives were not violated. (UNI)