The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM), which will celebrate a decade this year, will have ‘courage’ as its central theme.
The 2019 edition will be held from August 8-17.
IFFM was incepted in 2010 and was founded by its director, Mitu Bhowmick Lange. In 2012, the Victorian government and Film Victoria board officially backed the festival.
Lange said in a statement: ‘We are elated that as an institution promoting indian films in the Aussie land, we are celebrating our tenth year. It has been an exciting journey till this point and I’m most thankful to the film industry in India who have extended their kind support to our festival.
‘I’m also grateful to Film Victoria and the Victorian government to have been giving us their faith and endless support to help grow a diverse friendship between India and Australia basis a common love for films.
We have always been and continue being committed to unification of stories that induce inclusiveness and showcase diversity. (IANS)