From Our Correspondent
GUWAHATI: The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has recovered Rs 6.74 crore as fare and penalty from ticket-less travellers, which is the highest ever earnings in a single month in its history from ticket checking.
The current record is 33.74 per cent higher than the last year’s earnings of Rs 5.04 crore for the corresponding month.
During May, 2019 this railway detected 96599 cases against 74150 cases during the corresponding month of last year with an increase of 30.28 per cent.
Ticket checking is always the endeavor of this railway not only to sustain growth but also to ensure that the passengers are travelling with proper ticket and in proper class.
This also helps the genuine passenger to have a hassles-free travel experience.
Maximum stress has been given to discourage ticketless travel by conducting regular checking at vulnerable sections.
This is an area where there is always scope of improvement, so maximum effort has been given to ensure that target against this head is achieved.
The N.F. Railway is operating trains in difficult terrain and remote areas to sustain growth and also for socio-economic development. Prevention of ticketless travel is a challenging job with limited number of staff.
The N F Railway officials have been conducting surprise ticket checking drive in Mail / Express and passenger Trains.
As per section 137, of the Indian Railway Act of 1989, travelling without ticket, improper ticket or un-booked luggage is an offence punishable by imprisonment or fine or both.
Substantial growth in earning against ticket checking activity during the month of May, 2019 was possible due to proper mobilisation of the Ticket Checking staff in vulnerable sections and with constant monitoring by Divisions and HQ unit.
In order to sustain future growth in this head, proper planning and yearly targets has already been fixed.
In order to discourage ticketless travelling, Northeast Frontier Railway has put systems in place whereby surprise ticket checking drive is conducted by Flying Ticket Checking Squads of Divisions as well as HQ.
Fortress checks are also conducted in stations.
For this, officers are nominated at HQ and Divisional levels from different departments who are accompanied by security personal from Railway Protection Force and Government Railway Police.