Monday, June 17, 2024

Here’s how you can click a better selfie


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If you are not a pro in taking selfies, doing simple things like positioning your face slightly to one side can make your photo look much better, suggest experts.
So if you want to impress your social media followers with a cool solo snap, do not forget to tilt your face a bit. Experts also suggest that whenever possible, click it under natural light.
“Taking photos in the dark is hard, and it may be tempting to use your phone’s flash. But flash photography often makes a selfie look washed out, and you can lose your background, or add glare to your face,” Google’s Mallory Richards wrote in a blog post after taking inputs from Pixel camera experts.
“Using photography’s ‘Rule of Thirds’ can help you snap a great picture, by bringing the focus of your photo to the area in an image where your eye naturally falls,” she wrote.
The idea behind the “Rule of Thirds” is that the subject of the photograph should not be placed in the middle. This can help one creatively use the negative space.
It is also important to know when to use the portrait mode. According to the experts, this mode works best when the subject can stand out against a busy background.
“The subtle blur on Portrait Mode can help you pop against the background of your selfie. With Pixel 3 and 3a, you can adjust the blur to your liking,” Richards said.
The experts cautioned against overdoing the editing part. “While editing apps are great, make sure you still look like yourself after you snap your selfie,” Richards wrote. (IANS)


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