Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Family preserves memories in museum


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SHILLONG: The nation, the army and well-wishers pay tribute to Captain Clifford Nogrum during important occasions but his family has immortalised the soldier in a small museum set up at their residence at Demthring, Nongthymmai, to provide a glimpse of the soldier.
Clifford’s elder brother Geoffrey Nongrum said a room on the second floor of the house is dedicated to Clifford and everything connected with him is displayed.
Clifford’s uniforms, clothes, shoes, books, rare photos, other personal belongings, mementos, letters of appreciation from friends and army personnel have found place in the museum.
A Christmas card that he had sent in December 1998 is also in the museum.
“Since the museum is not much publicised, we want people, including students, to come and visit our place,” Geoffrey said.
A rare photo at the museum shows Clifford with his football team members. He had formed a football club named ‘Kew Shaphrang Sport Club’ in 1993 and he was the caption of the team.
Clifford was also a musician and the family kept his mouth organ in the museum.
Geoffrey said after the family received a film roll of Clifford after his death, the developed photos showed him in army combat uniform at Batalik Sector. These have also found place in the museum.
Geoffrey has opened Clifford Nongrum Facebook page to promote his deeds.
Father Keishing Peter said the family wants to add more things to the collection and welcomed students and others who are interested to visit the museum.
After the death of Clifford, city roads were named after him.
Besides a building in Srinagar which is dedicated to him, a bust of Clifford was installed at Rhino Museum, Rilbong Point.
As ex gratia, the state government provided Rs 2 lakh to the family and a petrol pump was set up as per the decision of the Centre.


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