NONGPOH: The District Magistrate of Ri Bhoi District on Tuesday promulgated prohibitory order Under Section 144 Cr PC prohibiting any persons or individual etc., from resorting to the act of mining of sand from the rivers, streams or channels with the explicit or implicit intention to cause environmental degradation and threat to the biodiversity within the District. Such offenders shall be prosecuted under the relevant Sections of the Law.
This Order has been issued in view of sand being dredged illegally in the upstream and downstream of BUG bridges at Iewsier, Lailad and other rivers in Ri Bhoi District which may cause environmental degradation and also pose a threat to biodiversity. Moreover, it may cause hazardous impact on ecological equilibrium and changes in channel configuration and flow – paths. Collection of sand near the bridges may also damage to the bridge abutment and stability which may endanger human life and public property.