Palghar: A 28-year-old man in Maharashtra’s Palghar district has been arrested for allegedly stealing ATM cards and carrying out transactions worth over Rs 10 lakh, police said on Tuesday. The accused Rohit Pandey had, on June 14, helped a man who was facing difficulties operating an ATM, and in the process had flicked his card and replaced it with a fake one, said Sub Inspector Vijay Chavan of Valiv police station. “We checked the CCTV footage of the ATM kiosk and the vicinity and zeroed in on Pandey, a Vasai resident. We found 47 such stolen ATM cards with him. He has made transaction worth Rs 10.73 lakh with them. He was purchasing jewellery with such cards. We have recovered Rs 7.90 lakh so far,” Chavan said. (PTI)