NONGSTOIN: The 100-bed Nongstoin Civil Hospital, on Tuesday witnessed a surge of patients that exposed the health facility’s poor infrastructure.
The patients admitted to the hospital were more than the number of beds available.
In order to accommodate the excess number of patients, additional beds were placed either in the corridors or in between the verandah. This had added to the suffering of patients who are already under physical and mental distress.
During a visit by media person, it was found that most of the patients were made to sit near the corridors waiting for beds to get medical attention.
Doctors who were on duty said that an alarming number of patients were attended in need of immediate medical attention but it was a sad moment as there were not enough beds in the hospital to accommodate the patients.
It was also witnessed that even in the OPD patients were overcrowded.
“The MCH which is not yet operational is one of the solutions to address the overcrowding problem in Nongstoin Civil Hospital,” a senior Doctor said.
The delay in the construction of the MCH has caused problems to the people of Nongstoin.