Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn will start shooting for director Amit Sharma’s film on Indian football, which has been titled Maidaan. Ajay, on Monday morning, shared a poster of the film, which had a football and the words “The golden era of Indian football 1952-1962.” “Maidaan kicks off today,” Ajay captioned the image. Sharma’s film is based on legendary former player Syed Abdul Rahim, who was also an Indian football coach and manager of the Indian national team from 1950 until his death in 1963. He is regarded as the architect of modern Indian football. The film, which also stars Keerthy Suresh, is expected to release in 2020. It is presented by Zee Studios and Boney Kapoor. Maidaan is jointly produced by Boney Kapoor, Akash Chawla and Arunava Joy Sengupta. (IANS)