Thiruvananthapuram: In his reply to Kerala Congress unit chief Mullapally Ramachandran, Shashi Tharoor on Wednesday said “he is astonished to hear that he justified Prime Minister Narendra Modi”.
Tharoor was served a notice, after several of his Parliament party colleagues from Kerala went hammer and tongs against him for what they believe was a statement praising Modi.
In his letter to Ramachandran, Tharoor said he would be grateful if he could point to the precise statement “he made that does that, because he has done no such thing”.
“On the contrary, I would urge you to look at parliamentary debates and find me, one leader from our state who has made 10 per cent of the effort, I made to study, research, anticipate and oppose the Modi government on every Bill they sought to introduce against the spirit of Constitution and the values of the Congress,” said the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha member.
He ends his letter by stating, “I urge my fellow Congressmen from Kerala to respect my approach even when they don’t agree with it.” (Agencies)