Agartala: The West Tripura district administration rescued a newborn from a childless tribal couple from Mandai area of eastern Agartala on Saturday evening, who had been sold out by the parents at Rs 2,000 apprehending future crisis of the family to grow up the child.
However, there was no legal action against the accused parents and the couple bought the child. This is the third such incident reported in the state during the last six months and all the cases, poverty was appeared to be the reason for child selling to well off family. Based on the media report, West Tripura district administration launched an investigation into the incident and found that the baby was sold as a result of financial crisis.
According to the report, the accused parents have six children at remote Motaikami hamlet of Sonaichari village under Mohanpur sub-division, close to the capital city. The family has been facing a crisis for past few years and they were given government support under various schemes but these were not enough to run the eight members family. (UNI)