Actress Shilpa Shetty Kundra, who is known for her love for yoga, has just nailed the ‘Vrischikasana’ or the scorpion pose in a way which can give yoga experts across the globe a run for money. The actress took to Instagram on Monday morning to share a video where she was seen performing the Vrischikasana. The actress captioned: “Broughton said, ‘I’m happy to report, the child in me is still ageless. Started learning advance yoga poses at 42… rather late, but better late than never. I always wanted to do the #vrischikasana. I believe it’s never too late to learn something new. Years may wrinkle the skin (that I’m okay with), but to give up enthusiasm will wrinkle my soul… that I couldn’t live with. “We don’t grow old with the number of years we live, we age when we stop living’… So Live it up #instafam. Never give up. Try something new.” (IANS)