Author-producer Twinkle Khanna’s cousin Karan Kapadia has posted a photograph with international filmmaker Christopher Nolan on Instagram. But more than Nolan and Karan, it was Karan’s nipples which grabbed attention of everyone, especially Twinkle.
‘There’s a reason I have pointy nipples in the picture, and Chris Nolan is only half that reason,’ Karan captioned the image, with his nipples quite visible in his yellow t-shirt.
Reposting his image, Twinkle, who is known for her humour and wit, once again passed her hilarious comment. She wrote: ‘The cousin has also inherited some of the crazy Kapadia genes. Karan, keep the one-liners and those nipples ‘en pointe’.’ After seeing Twinkle’s comment, netizens flooded the post with their funny reactions. One user wrote: ‘Hahahha. I could not stop laughing.’ (IANS)