After Indian cricketer Irfan Pathan, it is now the turn of his former teammate Harbhajan Singh to make his cinema debut, once again from Tamil. The ‘turbanator’ will star along popular actor Santhanam in his next flick ‘Dickiloona,’ the makers of the film said in a release on Tuesday. “Harbhajan Singh is acting in a very very important character in the film where Santhanam is featured in three roles,” it said. The film is being jointly produced by KJR Studios and Soldier Factory, and helmed by Karthik Yogi. Yuvan Shankar Raja is scoring the music. Meanwhile, Singh tweeted in Tamil to thank the producers of roping him in the film. Tamil Nadu was the land from where ‘Thalaivar, Thala and Thalapathy,’ had emerged, he said in an apparent reference to superstar Rajinikanth and top actors Ajith Kumar and Vijay, respectively. Earlier, Pathan had come on-board a Tamil film starring actor Vikram and directed by Ajay Gananamuthu. (PTI)