DIG, Western Range, Tura Anurag Kumar, Superintendent of Police, South West Garo Hills Ampati Rituraj Ravi, Superintendent of Police, North Garo Hills, Dr Sacheng R Marak, ASP, Tura Deepak Kumar Palecha, SDPO, Dadenggre Sub-Division, Shailendra Bamaniya, DSP HQ, Tura John Clitzer A Sangma and other staff of the Police department voluntarily donated during the blood donation camp.
TURA: A Voluntary Blood Donation Camp cum Awareness programme was held at Police Hospital, Tura on 14th November, 2019. The program was arranged by Civil Hospital, Blood Bank, Tura, Tura Civil Hospital in collaboration with National Health Mission, Meghalaya, Meghalaya Aids Control Society and State Blood Transfusion Council and organized by Meghalaya Police, Tura.