Akshay Kumar has finished shooting of his upcoming action film Sooryavanshi. Akshay on Saturday took to Instagram and shared that he has wrapped up shooting for Rohit Shetty’s directorial, saying it will “blow your mind”. “Last day, last shot, last stunt of Sooryavanshi. It’s been an incredible experience to be a part of Rohit Shetty’s Cop Universe… We’re excited for you to witness it at the cinema, it’s gonna blow your mind,” Akshay wrote. Along with it, he posted a picture in which he along with Rohit can be seen sitting underneath a helicopter’s tail, twinning in blue. Actress Katrina Kaif will be seen as Akshay’s love interest. The film also features Neena Gupta, Gulshan Grover and Sikander Kher. (IANS)