Veteran actress Sharmila Tagore, who turned a year older on Sunday, has received an adorable birthday wish from her daughter Soha Ali Khan. They both are currently in Ranthambore in Sawai Madhopur district of Rajasthan, famous for its tiger reserve.
“I may not have seen Krishna the tigress this morning with Kunal… but I got to put my arm around this tigress here,” Soha wrote on Instagram along with a picture in which she can be seen sharing smiles with her mother and husband Kunal Kemmu.
Her birthday wishes for her mom did not stop here.
Soha posted another image in which her little daughter Inaaya is seen curled up in her grandmother’s arms.
“Birthday pancakes,” she captioned the image.
It seems Ranthambore is Sharmila’s favourite place. Four years ago, she had celebrated her 70th birthday in Ranthambore only with her son Saif Ali Khanand daughter-in-law Kareena Kapoor Khan.