Actor Leonardo DiCaprio tried hard to not get recognised during a date night with girlfriend Camila Morrone in Aspen. The 45-year-old actor, who sported a baseball cap and black coat, was seen attempting to go incognito while leaving dinner with his 22-year-old girlfriend and friends at Matsuhisa in Aspen, Colorado, reports a website. Earlier in the day, the couple were spotted enjoying a shopping trip with DiCaprio’s best friend, 43-year-old actor Lukas Haas. The trio enjoyed hitting the luxury retailers including Chanel and Loro Piana. DiCaprio, 45, attempted to keep a low profile as he pulled his hoodie over his head. He also wore a hat and pair of designer shades. Keeping up with the incognito theme, he wore all black including leather jacket, trousers and lace-up boots. (IANS)