Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tom Hanks has a tearful moment on stage


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Oscar-winning actor Tom Hanks couldn’t hold back his tears while expressing his love for his family when he got on the Golden Globes stage to accept Cecil B. DeMille Award.
The tearful moment came in when the actor got on the stage to accept the honour, following an emotional montage showcasing some of the most iconic roles in his career.
Hanks’ voice sounded hoarse, which he said was because of the cold. He began the speech by looking back at his career, and then choked up when he gestured towards the family’s table, where his wife Rita Wilson and children were sitting. He had to take a moment to collect himself.
“A man is blessed with a family sitting down front like that, a wife who is fantastic in every way, who has taught me what love is, five kids who are braver and stronger and wiser than their old man is. And a loving group of people who have put up with me being away for months and months and months at a time. I can’t tell you how much your love means to me,” he said.
Hanks blamed cold medicine as the reason behind his emotional state. (IANS)


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