Fatehpur: The Fatehpur Superintendent of Police suspended a head constable after his video taking a Rs 50 bribe went viral on social media. A police officer on Tuesday said: “An alleged 44-second video went viral on social media two days ago in which Ashok Kumar, head constable deployed at Khakhreru police station, is seen asking for money for summoning a bullion merchant of the town. The video shows that when the bullion merchant told the head constable that a person being summoned doesn’t need to pay anything, the head constable asks him to give him money to buy 250 gms groundnuts, on which the bullion merchant is seen paying him Rs 50.” “Taking cognizance of the viral video, the SP has suspended the head constable with immediate effect on Monday after receiving the investigation report from the police station head,” said the officer. Superintendent of Police Prashant Verma, while confirming the suspension based on the viral video, said, “No one will be left out in such a case whether the bribe is of Rs 1,000 or one rupee.” (IANS)