SHILLONG: The first-of-its-kind trilingual ezine- Ka Jingshai – The Light was launched here on Monday to mark the 119th anniversary of Swami Vivekananda’s lecture in the city.
The magazine was launched by Swami Smarananandaji Maharaj, President, Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission from Belur Math through video conferencing.
Considering the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the launch was done online and was attended by a handful of dignitaries maintaining social distancing, sending a responsible message to the society and setting the trend for future events.
Ka Jingshai is a trilingual (Khasi, English and Hindi) ezine of Ramakrishna Mission, Shillong portraying the culture and spirituality of Meghalaya in a universal context through art, poetry, literature and humour.
Swami Sarvabhutanandaji, secretary, Shillong Ramakrishna Mission, while releasing the print version, thanked all the people involved in publication of the magazine, including all the authors who contributed for the ezine and to those who had worked tirelessly for the launching of the magazine.
Raphael Warjri from Riti Academy of Visual Arts, who did the painting and designing of the magazine, was felicitated on the occasion.
Dr Ananya S Guha, Dr Anita Panda and Dr Moushumi Dey and Ibabet Hynniewta were also felicitated during the conference. Bijoya Sawian was present in the video conference from her residence at Dehradun. All expressed their pleasure for being associated with the unique endeavour.