New Delhi: The CBI on Thursday conducted searches at multiple locations in the country after registering three separate cases against two Nagpur-based companies and a Bhubaneswar-based firm pertaining to loan frauds in the Punjab National Bank totalling over Rs 125 crore, officials said.
The agency has booked Nagpur-based Linkson Ispat and Energies Pvt Ltd, its Chairman-cum-Managing Director Yashwant Sangla, and Linkson International Ltd in which he is a director, in two separate cases for alleged cumulative fraud of around Rs 93 crore through diversion of loan funds and cheating, they said.
In connection with these two cases, the CBI carried out searches at four locations in Nagpur at the residential and official premises of the accused from where the probe agency recovered financial documents related to loan, company’s financial health, electronic evidence like hard drives among others, officials said.
The bank has alleged that the companies trading in coal allegedly availed the facilities on the basis of forged documents and diverted the loan funds to companies having common directors. (PTI)