Filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan Kunder on Sunday took to social media to pen a heartfelt, quirky birthday wish for her mother. “Life doesn’t come with a manual.. it comes with a mother. Happy 75th birthday to mine.. Menka.. gifting me her sense of humour, her strength and her double chin,” Farah wrote. Along with it, she posted a few throwback images of her with her mother from childhood and wedding days. Reacting to the post, actress Aditi Rao Hydari commented: “Happy happiest birthday to her!” Ps- Hahahahahahah.” Diana Penty wrote: “Hahahha!! Happy Happy Birthday to Faruuu’s mummy.” On the work front, Farah recently unveiled the video of the making of the title track of Dil Bechara, which is late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s last movie. Farah had choreographed Sushant for the movie. (IANS)