With a picture of herself with her dog Dude, actor Anushka Sharma on Thursday shared her morning ritual of oil pulling for better
dental health hygiene and detoxification of the body.
Sharma took to Instagram to post several pictures of herself indulging in “oil pulling in the company” of her dog Dude and shared the benefits of the practice in the caption.
“My morning ritual of Oil pulling in the company of my sweet-smoosh-doggo Dude! Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice known as “kavala” or “gundusha”, a dental technique that involves swishing little oil in your mouth on an empty stomach for few minutes and then spitting it out,” she wrote in the caption.
The Sultan actor then shared the benefits associated with the ayurvedic practice and wrote,” This action is excellent for dental hygiene & health and also draws out toxins in the body.” “As we are all using this time to take better care of our health and improve our immunity I thought of sharing this. Hopefully, it will be as beneficial to you too,” she added.
In the pictures, the 32-year-old actor is seen wearing an off-white coloured night suit with patterns of different forms of moon in different colours on it. (ANI)