Bollywood actress TaapseePannu has shared a throwback “quarantine post” featuring megastar Amitabh Bachchan and director Sujoy Ghosh from the sets of their film Badla. Taapsee took to her verified account on Instagram, where she shared a picture of herself along with Big B and Ghosh. In the image, Amitabh is seen reading, while Taapsee and the film’s director are looking at the paper the thespian is holding. Giving the caption a quirky spin, Taapsee wrote: “Me looking at how much of the scene is left for the day. Mr. Bachchan continues to rehearse non stop. Sujoy is thinking of where can he find good pizza for dinner post pack up. The usual on #Badla set #Throwback #Archive #QuarantinePost.” Badla, toplined by Amitabh Bachchan, is a remake of Oriol Paulo’s 2016 Spanish hit, The Invisible Guest. The 2019 thriller also stars Amrita Singh. (IANS)