Bollywood heartthrob Vicky Kaushal has shared what he regrets, on social media. Vicky took to Instagram and posted a selfie himself after a workout. In the image, the actor flaunts post-work sweat, in a white T-shirt and black baseball cap. He wrote: “Sweat > Regret.. Although regret wasting time in between sets for a (taking a photo emoji). Adios!” Vicky on Wednesday shared that he yearns to break free. The actor shared his thoughts along with a still from his 2018 release Manmarziyaan on Instagram. In the picture, he can be seen jumping from the terrace of one building to another. Vicky was last seen in Bhanu Pratap Singh’s Bhoot Part One: The Haunted Ship. His upcoming film brings alive the story of revolutionary Udham Singh, who avenged the Jallianwala Bagh massacre of 1919 by assassinating General Michael O’Dwyer. Singh was subsequently tried and convicted of murder, and hanged in July 1940. (IANS)