TURA: The newly established Rural mart at Baghmara New Market in South Garo Hills was on Tuesday inaugurated by Deputy Commissioner, H B Marak in the presence of SP, Priyanshu Pandey, DRDA PD, M T Sangma and other officials of various departments in the district.
Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner while highlighting the importance of opening the rural Mart said that the aim of opening the rural Mart is to provide a market for domestic items manufactured by rural community particularly by women SHG’S or the weaker sections of the society with an endeavor to provide unadulterated eatable and genuine products at reasonable rates. Marak added that the aim was also to provide a market link to rural people for their household produce besides generating income and employment at grass roots level.
The Rural Mart was funded by NABARD under Meghalaya State Rural Livelihood Society ( NRLM) South Garo Hills. An exhibition of various indigenous foodstuffs, Handicrafts and artifacts also took place during the day long program.