Actor Anupam Kher says he was overwhelmed with emotions on meeting actress Neetu Kapoor without her husband, late actor Rishi Kapoor. Anupam met Neetu Kapoor in Chandigarh, where she is shooting for her film Jug Jug Jeeyo. After the meeting, he took to Instagram to open up about the emotional meeting, and look back at their meetings in New York, where Rishi Kapoor received treatment. “Dearest @neetu54!! Meeting you last night in Chandigarh without #RishiJi triggered off so many memories of us together in New York. Our shared tears made the bond of those moments stronger. These pics are a reminder of how #ChintuJi had a larger than life persona,” he wrote along with a string of pictures of himself with the couple. “I am so happy that you are working. You have made him the happiest person by doing so. We, your friends are always there for you. Remember “There are some relationships which are like a pause button on a tape recorder. They always start from where you left them!” Love and prayers #Memories #Pics #ChintuJi,” he added. (IANS)