The Christopher Nolan-directed Tenet, starring Robert Pattinson, John David Washington and Dimple Kapadia, has emerged as the most watched film in India post lockdown. According to #ShowOffTheYear2020 report by BookMyShow, cinemas have sold an estimated seven lakh tickets since reopening after the Covid-induced lockdown,.There has been a steady increase in screens across cinemas pan-India, with 2800 screens operational at the moment. Tenet remains the most-watched film having sold three lakh tickets. The data is for sales from October 16 to December 18. Second to Tenet in the Top Watched Movies Post Lockdown list by ticket sales is Biskoth (Tamil), followed by Irandam Kuththu (Tamil), Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari (Hindi) and Dracula Sir (Bengali). Dracula Sir was the first new film to release post the lockdown, during Dussehra. The top cities for films post lockdown are Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Mumbai and NCR. Dua Lipa’s virtual ig Studio 2054 topped the International Game Changers (Best Performing Virtually). It was followed by One World Together: Global Citizen, Sunburn, The Buckleys, Taylor Castro and Willie Gomez. (IANS)