Mumbai, April 10: The CBI on Saturday reviewed the statements and documents collected by it during the ongoing Preliminary Enquiry (PE) in former Mumbai police chief Param Bir Singh’s allegations of corruption against ex-Home minister of Maharashtra Anil Deshmukh, an official said.
As the PE ordered by the Bombay High Court is time- bound, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is preparing an action plan to be adopted during the probe, as part of which the agency team studied all the documents and statements. “As the allegations are serious and sensitive in nature, the CBI team on Saturday reviewed the documents and statements,” the official said.
The CBI team has so far recorded statements of former Mumbai Commissioner of Police Param Bir Singh, currently posted as the Director General of state Home Guards, suspended API Sachin Waze, who is in the custody of the NIA, DCP Raju Bhujbal, ACP Sanjay Patil, Advocate Jayshree Patil, a petitioner, and hotel owner Mahesh Shetty.
The NIA is probing the case of an explosives-laden SUV found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani’s house, ‘Antilia’, in south Mumbai on February 25. Waze is also under the scanner for the alleged murder of Thane businessman Mansukh Hiran, who was in possession of that SUV. (PTI)