Emmy-winning actor Debra Messing is joining the feature adaptation of Broadway’s 13: The Musical. The story follows young Evan Goldman (Eli Golden) who moves from New York City to small-town Indiana, grappling with his parents’ divorce and prepares for his impending Bar Mitzvah, and navigates the complicated social circles of a new school. According to Deadline, Messing, best known for the series Will & Grace, will play Evan Goldman’s mother in the Tamra Davis-directed feature. Tony Award winner Robert Horn is adapting the script based on the book he co-wrote with Dan Elish. The previously announced cast includes Gabriella Uhl, JD McCrary, Frankie McNellis, Lindsey Blackwell, Jonathan Lengel, Ramon Reed, Nolen Dubuc, Luke Islam, Shechinah Mpumlwana, Kayleigh Cerezo, Wyatt Moss, Liam Wignall, and Khiyla Aynne. (PTI)