NEW DELHI, July 7: As the Modi government gets a makeover, the new Council of Ministers is being shaped in terms of experience and qualification.
In the new Council of Ministers, there are four former Chief Ministers, 18 former state ministers, 39 former MLAs and 23 MPs who have been elected for three or more terms.
This demonstrates the wealth of experience in the new Cabinet as the government has been criticised for lack of bench strength and not having enough heft in administrative experience.
The new Council of Ministers will also be an eclectic mix of distinguished qualifications, including 13 lawyers, six doctors, five engineers, seven former civil servants, and 46 ministers with experience in Central government.
This is also a young looking Cabinet with an average age of 58, with 14 ministers below the age of 50 years.
In terms of gender, 11 women will be part of the Council of Ministers, including two with Cabinet rank.
There will be fiive ministers — 1 Muslim, 1 Sikh, 2 Buddhists and 1 Christian. In addition, there is a strong OBC representation with 27 OBC minister, including five with Cabinet rank, eight ST ministers including three with Cabinet rank, and 12 SC ministers with two with Cabinet rank.
In total, 43 ministers will take oath on Wednesday evening in the first reshuffle of the second term of the Narendra Modi government.
The induction of the new faces was preceded by the resignations of as many as 11 ministers.