SHILLONG, June 17: The state Bharatiya Janata Party has once again raised its voice against the anomalies detected by the Directorate of Local Fund Audit (DLFA) and asked the state government to take action against the Garo Hills Autonomous District Council and the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council for misutilisation of the centrally sponsored Special Assistance Grant (SAG).
BJP state president, Ernest Mawrie on Friday said the audit report has confirmed the anomalies and the government must take immediate action against the two district councils.
The DLFA had detected several anomalies in the implementation of centrally sponsored schemes under SAG by both the GHADC and JHADC.
It compiled a report on its findings and submitted it to the DCA department which wrote to both the district councils in February seeking their response on the DLFA findings but is yet to get the response.
It is also informed that neither the GHADC nor the JHADC has replied to the letters sent by the DCA department in February.