By Abdial Susngi
Let’s get things clear from the start, I am not an Anthonian! Rather, since my school days, and even now, I consider Anthonians as my rivals. However, the flak that St. Anthony’s College (SAC) received these past few days from anonymous ‘haters’, evidently inside ‘haters’, demands some form of response. SAC is, with regards to the current issue at hand, in the bad spot for the wrong reasons; and this response, or defence, if I dare refer to it as such, would have not been made had the bad light shone for the right reasons; but since SAC is under attack because of what can be regarded as conservative (not traditional or reactionary) and genteel stances, I cannot be a silent and passive observer.
What SAC, and its faculty, have been facing these past days is nothing but a textbook case of the Progressives’ Bully Tactics, an all too common, and even boring, play of Left – Liberals, Post Modern Neanderthals; an M. O of the baser sort, if we are to be blunt! This is also excitedly a clear example of imported and transplanted virtue signalling and irresponsible atomised individualism from the West, aided and facilitated prominently, if not entirely, by the mad craze for Western Mimicking and Delusional Assimilation of alienesque culture!
Here I will try to present here some important thoughts on the issue of modest apparel that I would hope defend SAC’s position, and also hopefully strike a blow to the decadent attitudes and voices that had wasted this fine newspaper’s ink and column space.
Firstly, I would like to remind the readers of the primary purpose of dressing, or clothing. Here I’ll have to make a quick but unapologetic reference to Genesis 3:21, when the LORD made coats of skin to replace the sorry fig leaf aprons Adam and Eve made for themselves to cover their nakedness. Even secular history would tell you that the first forms of clothing were adopted for the purpose of covering nakedness, because early individuals knew that fire could warm but that nakedness still brought shame, so they covered their privates.
Secondly, clothing provides basic protection from the elements. “Duh! This is a no brainer!”, is what any Tom Dick and Harry would say a few years back; but this common sensical observation is no longer so common anymore, hence the reminder!
Thirdly, clothing provides identity. Culture and heritage would be wanting, and even rather inconvenient, if clothing is removed from the sum total of a community’s This is who we are Package. And, if we are to skip a few steps beyond ethnic tribalism and cultural roots, we will find that even in our so called modern and cosmopolitan times, clothing still carries the weight of identity: individual and professional and group identity!
At this juncture, I would like to remind of the maxim “If you’re not selling, do not advertise!” One may think that this is too much mockery of those who prefer to be decadent, but I assure you that I do not intend to mock, though I would not necessarily go beyond fence and gate to convince you otherwise.
It should be clear to anyone with basic reading skills, common sense, integrity, and dignity, that clothing sends SIGNALS! The attire we adorn ourselves sends messages to other individuals. It is exactly for this reason that a referee gives a red card to a rowdy footballer for a fault and does not mail the red card to the policeman handling traffic! Dress, clothing, sends signals. Therefore, it is only natural for men or women to be distracted by mixed and confusing signals sent by an individual who dresses in a manner which would contradict his or her actual location and designation. To make it simple, one cannot dress as an irresponsible tramp when entering an institution of learning, higher learning or otherwise. (Which is probably one reason why sane individuals can differentiate between an anime doll costume and a genuine, school uniform worn with feelings of nostalgia!)
Furthermore, by dressing scantily and provocatively, one is accentuating private or sexual parts, sending sexual signals to everyone in the immediate vicinity, and may be even further; and it would be ludicrous to expect that healthy, normal men and women would not pick up these signals. Regardless, of what response such stimuli create in the persons tragically exposed to such signals, the fact remains that signals are sent and received. Some can brush it off, with the so famous Indian “side spit” or the classic Khasi “Phuit ka khlemrain!” remark, thereby informing us that sex signals do not always sire episodes of “Mental Rape”, but can sire week-long spells of “Mental Puke” as well; but sadly, some cannot resist such sex signals. So, hats off to those who try to fight and push off thoughts of committing “Mental Rape” or “Mental Adultery”; at least they are trying to keep their families intact, thereby, contributing to societal stability and integrity, the family being the fundamental unit of society. Even if the effort might be at the personal and intellectual level: it remains a principled stance! Such individuals, who were brave enough to admit their shortcomings and even confront the proverbial blackhole, that is on the path of devouring to oblivion all norms of social value and integrity, to save their meaningful relationships and families, are definitely stars in a class of their own, and such have a greater claim and entitlement to continue as productive members of society, or are on the way to becoming so.
However, the jungle and Tarzan are always there for those who are yet to learn the essential meanings, values and purposes of clothing, social and individual integrity, modesty and responsibility! I only hope that people come to their senses and better nature before such careless, irresponsible and decadent attitudes of uncivilised brats and bullies strip our communities of all modesty, honour and integrity!