Bhavnagar, Nov 6: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday attended a mass wedding ceremony held in Bhavnagar city of Gujarat and asked couples to contribute to the cause of society. The event was organised at Jawahar Maidan by a foundation.
As many as 551 girls whose fathers had died tied the knot at the mega event.
On the occasion, the prime minister urged the newly-weds not to organise a separate wedding function afterwards under the pressure of relatives after reaching home and instead save that money for their children.
“Gujarat has gradually adopted this practice of mass weddings. Earlier, people used to borrow money for organising a grand function just to show off. But now, people have become aware. They have now turned to mass-marriage functions,” said Modi. He said he used to attend such mass wedding functions as the chief minister of Gujarat to support this noble cause and inspire others.
On the occasion, the prime minister urged the newlyweds to contribute to society in whatever way they can, such as stopping the wasting of food and segregating dry waste from biodegradable kitchen waste. (PTI)