Kolkata, March 8: Following a surprise raid by the officers of the Bidhannagar Police Commiserate on Wednesday evening, unaccounted cash worth around Rs 4 crore was seized from a fake call centre in the Rajarhat-Newtown area on the outskirts of Kolkata.
A police officer said that the exact amount seized was a little over Rs 3.82 crore.
“Apart from the cash, gold and silver jewellery in substantial quantities as well as several high-end premium brand wrist watches were also recovered from the fake call centre. The valuation of the seized items is yet to be done,” the officer said.
Apart from that, four high-end premium vehicles were also seized from outside the call centre.
The police have arrested six persons in this connection, out of whom two are residents of Liluah in Howrah district, two are from Maharashtra and one from Gujarat. The police suspect that besides running the fake call centre, the arrested persons were also involved in illegal hawala transactions.
The officer said that through this call centre, these persons mainly targeted elderly citizens in different parts of the globe. (IANS)