Shillong, May 7: Fans of Atlee and Shah Rukh Khan have been waiting for news on Jawan. For several days, the movie was also trending on Twitter. After SRK revealed that the movie’s new release date is September 7, there was a collective sigh of relief and sadness that occurred at the same moment on Saturday evening.
Then there was a #AskSRK session. He saved the surprise aspect until last, though. The famous star gave us another reason to fawn by dropping a black-and-white photo of himself before wrapping up his trademark session on Twitter.
Last night, Shah Rukh Khan finally provided an update on Jawan. The movie’s September 7 release date was announced by the superstar. Soon after, #AskSRK was held on Twitter, and the star soon after released a black-and-white portrait of himself.
Sharing the same, he wrote, “Ok thank u everyone. Some said my face not visible in #Jawan poster, so putting my face here, don’t tell the director & producer. Love u all & hope to meet u in theatres on #7thSeptember2023 love u and bye (sic).”