Shillong, August 2: In Karnataka’s Dakshina Kannada district, a disturbing incident has come to light where a minor girl was repeatedly raped by five individuals. The accused, identified as Akshay Devadiga (24), Raja (28), Sukumar Belchada (30), Kamalaksha Belchada, and Jayaprakash, have been booked under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO) and the SC & ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Amendment Act.
As per India Today the horrifying ordeal began in 2019 when the minor was first raped by her uncle’s son, Jayaprakash. He then shared her details with his friends, leading to a series of brutal assaults.
In May this year, Raja raped the victim, followed by Akshay and his friend Sukumar in June. Sukumar deceitfully lured the minor to Berapadavu village under the pretext of marriage and then raped her. The girl was further victimized on July 28, when Kamalaksha, who had promised to marry her, assaulted her in Kojappady village.
The victim bravely filed a complaint with the Vital police station, leading to the arrest of the accused. The heinous crimes against the minor have sparked outrage and demands for justice.