Actor Ranbir Kapoor on Thursday said he has played the “most complex character” of his life in “Animal”, a film that he described as an adult-rated version of Karan Johar’s family drama “Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham”.
Directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga of “Kabir Singh” and “Arjun Reddy” fame, the film’s trailer showcases a violent world set against the backdrop of a troubled relationship between Ranbir’s Arjun Singh and his father Balbir Singh, played by Anil Kapoor.
At the trailer launch, Ranbir was asked to describe the film and he said: “’Animal’ is basically the adult-rated ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’”.
“If I had to describe this story in a line, then it’s about a man who goes to any length to protect his family. That’s what the core of the film is,” Kapoor told reporters at the trailer launch here.
The event was also attended by Sandeep, Bobby Deol, Rashmika Mandanna, and producers Bhushan Kumar and Pranav Reddy Vanga.”Animal” will hit the screens on December 1.
Deol said Vanga decided to cast him in the role of the antagonist in “Animal” after he saw the actor’s photograph from the days when he used to play in the Celebrity Cricket League.
“Sandeep reached out to me one day over text and asked to meet him. When I got the text, I thought it was a prank. But I went to meet him anyway. When we met, Sandeep showed me a photograph from the days when I was not working, when I used to play in the Celebrity Cricket League.
The 3.32 minute-long trailer of “Animal” gives the viewers a glimpse into the hyper-masculine and violent world with a machine gun-toting Arjun, who is obsessed with trying to impress his father.
Violence is not really about action, but more about the human mind, Ranbir said.
“That you hit someone and blood comes out, you’ll get bored after 10 seconds. Violence is about the mind, what it thinks, what the human mind is capable of? What is right or wrong, where society is concerned? he added. (PTI)