The film Fehujali directed by Dr Partha Sarathi Mahanta who is currently posted as the DIG of Special Task Force of Assam police, has clinched the Best Short Documentary Award at the Best Short Documentary Award.
Out of 2971 films submitted from 82 countries, 326 films from 67 countries were nominated, and 71 films from 19 countries were selected for JIFF 24 which is a world record.
Produced by the DGP, Assam, Fehujali is directed by Dr Partha Sarathi Mahanta, with English subtitles by Dr Jovial Kalita. The documentary delves into the plight of underprivileged youths in the state, targeted by extremist groups as potential recruits through various coercive tactics, including the lure of money.
On the other hand, Dr Partha Sarathi Mahanta said that the documentary employs cinematic treatment to portray authentic stories, serving as an eye-opener for disgruntled youth, urging them to stay on the right path in life. (ANI)