Oscar and Grammy-winning music composer A.R. Rahman set the house on fire with his special performance with playback singer Kailash Kher in Mumbai. Rahman attended the trailer launch of the film at the Mehboob Studios in Mumbai’s Bandra area on Thursday. He was accompanied by director Imtiaz Ali, global superstar Diljit Dosanjh and actress Parineeti Chopra. The film marks Rahman and Imtiaz collaboration after nine years, their last collaboration being the cult-classic Tamasha. After the team interacted with the media, Rahman took to the stage along with Kailash and singer Yashika Sikka, and performed the song with the lyrics Bol mohabbat seene la, Rabba Rabba seene la. The three singers brought the house down as they performed live with fellow musicians who have played in the film. (IANS)
AR Rahman, Kailash duet brings Punjab’s mitti di khushboo to Mumbai
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