Director-actor Anurag Kashyap, who is receiving a lot of positive responses for his work in the recently released streaming series Bad Cop, had a tough time shooting a gory scene in the show.
The show’s director, Aditya Datt, said: “During one of the intense scenes, when I was telling Kashyap to cut the throat, he just could not. I was trying to tell him that he has shot this so many times, like there’s been major gore in his films than any other movies, but he kept saying, shooting is a different thing, but doing it is a different thing.”
Aditya further elaborated, “He used to get palpitations before doing it, and I should sit him down. Bad Cop is streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. (IANS)
Anurag Kashyap got palpitations before shooting scene in Bad Cop
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