Bollywood actress Sonam Kapoor, recently seen in the streaming movie Blind, attended the Wimbledon Women’s Final in London. Making a fashion statement, the actress exuded elegance and style. She donned an outfit designed by Bottega Veneta. For the occasion, she chose a sophisticated striking long yellow, blue, and black dress layered with the Optical Crinkle Cotton Check ensemble from the Pre-Fall 24 collection. The outfit featured a long-sleeved white, blue, and black shirt and a matching long skirt. She accessorised her look with a pair of sleek Tex Mule shoes in black, also from the Pre-Fall 24 collection. Sonam, has long been celebrated for her impeccable fashion sense. (IANS)
Sonam Kapoor exudes grace at the Wimbledon Women’s Final in London
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