Monday, October 14, 2024

Boomeranged – How the accuser becomes the accused


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The one common but bitter topic of conversation that cuts across all levels of society in Meghalaya today is the collapse of infrastructure – Infrastructure that is supposed to better our living conditions both in the rural as well as the urban sectors of Meghalaya. Be it Education, Health care, Governance or the Economy, everything seems to be going down the drain. But the worst, because all of us depend on it everyday, is the condition of our roads and transport system. We drive to work, rush our children to school, proceed to our places of worship every Sunday and literally pray for God’s merciful intervention when we inch our critically ill to hospital through endless traffic jams and inexhaustible pot-holed roads. Why is all this happening to us ? Who is responsible for this misery we have to daily bear? How do we improve? These are questions and discussions all of us love to moan about and I am one of the active mourners in this aspect. Through this letter to the Editor I want to reveal a recent discussion on the above problems and the astonishing solution offered on how to solve it.
There was a small social gathering I was part of and as usual the topic quickly turned to the condition of our roads. Everyone had no good thing to say. There were some prominent Govt contractors among the group; The discussion became slightly heated and with numbers on my side, I turned to one of these contractors and directly asked him as to how shameless he could be to make such substandard public roads? With downcast eyes and hanging his head in shame he quietly replied “What can we do? Why do you blame us contractors without knowing the truth? We are blameless and actually helpless about the whole wretched mess. Will you hear us out if we try to explain?” With my eyes still radiating righteous accusations I reluctantly agreed to hear his excuses. And this is what he had to say
“Yes it is true we give our bids for the roads we make but we do so also with the aim to make a living out of it. Do you know what actually happens when our tenders are approved? We are expected to shell out 30% to the Minister concerned; 20 % to the Engineer supervising our work before any work order is issued.” With growing irritation he continued “Do you know exactly how much profit we make from your roads after we make them? Payments are made earliest one year after the road is made and no one is held accountable for the accrued interest because of the delay. We hardly make 1 or 2 % profit and we are expected to come up with quality roads of International standards. People of Meghalaya must be living in fairy land. Do you seriously believe I can still support my family let alone make profit after such treatment. Am I expected to make public roads from my own pocket? Let me tell you that the public in Meghalaya is extremely lucky to even get roads with an half inch black topping and that can’t even survive the first monsoon shower. Just count the small blessings you are still able to enjoy. Don’t blame me. I am not the culprit of your troubles” Shocked out of my wits I could only gawk at the man and able to come out with a garbled “ Then what do we do? Tell us then who is the real culprit”.
By then the guy had calmed down a bit. He gave me a shrewd enquiring look before asking me “Do you really want to know the person who is mainly responsible for all this mess?”.
“Of course”, we all replied “Please tell us who so that such a person can be brought to book for all the misery he has caused the public of Meghalaya”.
“Its you,” he exclaimed with hardly suppressed glee and satisfaction, “its all of you sanctimonious, holier-than-thou lot who are responsible for the mess the state is in. It’s you who imposed these monstrous greedy Ministers and MLAs on the state. Its you, the voter who elects the dregs of society; sleazy business minded criminals posing as politicians; people entering politics with the false promise of delivering service to the people but who are actually on the prowl and with the sole purpose of attaining power to loot the state of its resources; its you the voter who allowed such people to purchase your right to good governance. Now why blame us? We actually are the victims of your own foolishness. Now next time go vote for people who can deliver real governance and not that pittance of 500 or 5000 and a ton load of false promises for your vote. There I have said it and I feel so relieved”.
I went home that evening a more humble and enlightened man than when the day started.
Yours etc.,
Toki Blah,
Via email

Waiting for a response!
The hard hitting write-up, “Church versus Environment in Jaintia Hills: Whither MSPCB & SEIAA?” by Patricia Mukhim took me into a joyous journey of how expediency actually runs this state! Yes, I am being sarcastic!
I just loved the jabs and the knock-out punches to the jaw and temple she throws through the questions! Wow they floored me! Such well placed punches should put an end to the talkers and thinkers who believe the public are gullible!
I’m not adverse to churches exploring ways and means to generate income, but take a collectively informed decision after exploring every minute detail. All must be taken on board.Immediate and long time impact on environment and other damaging social factors have to be the deciding factor and not crass lucre!
I’m curious whether the government officials of the two departments will take up the challenge of writing a rejoinder to all the questions raised! Or choose silence because the surreptitiousness is too well embedded!
Yours etc,.
Kevin Phillips,
Via email


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