Amid the success of Pushpa 2: The Rule, the makers unveiled the track Dum Hai To Rok Ke Bata from the film on Saturday. Allu Arjun’s captivating moves and Fahadh Faasil’s commanding presence in the song have grabbed the attention of netizens.The track features vocals by Javed Ali, Keerthi Sagathia, and Pooja AV, with lyrics penned by Irshad Kamil. According to Mythri Movie Makers, the official production house of Pushpa 2: The Rule, the film has surpassed the Rs 1,500 crore mark in worldwide box office collections. On the massive success of Pushpa 2: The Rule, Allu Arjun expressed his heartfelt gratitude to fans at the “Thank You India” press meet. He said, “I have to say something about the box office number. The number you see is a reflection of the people’s love. ” (ANI)
Pushpa 2: Dum Hai To Rok Ke Bata song from Allu Arjun’s film out
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