Renowned sitarist and composer Hidayat Husain Khan has now treated the fans with a new stirring track, Jai Hind. The soulful rendition of our National Anthem comes ahead of Republic Day on 26th January 2025.
The song is touted to be a heartfelt tribute to India’s syncretic, diverse, unified, and vibrant soul. Aside from Hidayat Husain Khan, the track also features tabla percussionist Avirodh Sharma. Meanwhile, Hrishi Shah has looked after the direction.
Talking about Jai Hind Hidayat Husain Khan was quoted saying, “The National Anthem was such an intrinsic part of my school days and I was filled with nostalgia when I was invited to perform it at an event in New York City. That experience then inspired me to reinterpret and record this version.” (IANS)
Sitar maestro Hidayat celebrates Republic Day with new Jai Hind rendition
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