Saturday, June 29, 2024


Exclusive Content

T20 World Cup final may not happen today

Rain threat looms large in Barbados New Delhi, June 28:...

Germany eye quarters spot as they take on Denmark

Dortmund, June 28: Germany takes on Denmark in the...

Italy face Switzerland in first knockout

Berlin, June 28: Defending champion Italy aims to continue...

Phil Foden returns to England camp

Blankenhain, June 28: England forward Phil Foden is back...

Trump and Biden square off for first time in 2024 election season

Trump confident, even when wrong; Biden halts, even with...

Vibrant fan culture at Euro 2024 comes at security cost

Frankfurt, June 28: The flip side of the European...

Dynamos eye top spot

New Delhi: Eyeing the top spot in the pecking order, Delhi Dynamos will be at home, literally as well on form, when they host...

Carlos invites Ronaldo for Delhi game

New Delhi: Brazilian football legend Ronaldo could soon make his maiden whistle-stop visit to India as he has been invited by his former national...

I-League, ISL may be merged

Jamshedpur: The I-League and the Indian Super League (ISL) could be merged in a couple of years to improve the standard of the game...

4 FC Goa players selected for India squad

Panaji: Four FC Goa players have been selected in the 25-member India squad to face Guam in the next round of 2018 World Cup...

Single-party rule in Turkey after AKP election sweep

Ankara: Turks woke today to a country once again under the sole control of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's Justice and Development Party, which swept...

Nepal police clear protesters from key trade point with India

Kathmandu:  Nepalese police baton-charged Madhesi protesters and burned down their tents, evicting them from the crucial Miteri bridge at Indo-Nepal border in a pre-...
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