The small business enterprises of Keatinge Road area of Shillong are in a state of distress. On one hand the licencing authorities are dilly dallying to issue them trading licence, on the other hand they are being chased by the Police for their alleged unauthorised business.
It is estimated that some 50 petty business organisations are operating along the Keatinge Road. Some of the m have been there from the early fifties. These are mostly located in private premises. But the Shillong Municipality has not been granting licence to all of them, particularly the motor garages. While, it is being felt that the Government should do something to restore some semblence of orderliness in the area, it is pointed out that those trading concerns which have been in existence for a considerable period should be granted registration under the Municipality. The chaos in the Keating Road area is all too well known to all. In the recent years the locality has undergone total metamorphosis–from a quiet semi residential locality to problematic commercial area. Acting on the basis of basis of complaints from certain sections of the residents, police have been periodically making surprise visits to the area. If any vehicle is found being repaired on the road, the workshop owner is immediately rounded up. This is purely on valid grounds, since parking of vehicles on the road makes vehicular traffic difficult. But it is alleged that a section of policemen, mostly underlings, have been harassing these workshop owners by collecting gratifications.