“Accident brings Tears, Safety brings Cheers was the theme for the recently held Road Safety Week (January 1-7). To create more awareness about safe driving GVK EMRI (GVK Emergency Management and Research Institute), Meghalaya in collaboration with xBHP, Knacks and Shillong Traffic Police conducted a programme for trucker, drivers of public transport vehicles and the general public at Mawiong, Lad Smit and Polo Parking space. During the course of the programme, an accident reenactment by Knacks and xBHP followed by speech on safety precaution and traffic rules by Baburam Adhikari, Head Constable of Laitumkhrah Traffic Branch, were presented. To conclude, a signature campaign was held and road traffic accident data generated by GVK EMRI, Meghalaya since its inception till date was also displayed.
According to the data available, the month-wise road traffic accident trend (2009-11) indicates a rise and the same trend is also seen in the month-wise road traffic accident victims, both male and female, in the same period. According to age group road traffic accident victims data available 31% are below 20, 35% (20-30), 19% (30-40), 9% (40-50) and 6% (above 50). (Rajib Roy)